by Connie Bowen
Do you find yourself among that rare breed of dog lover whom your friends think have gone just too far in your love for your dogs?
Read on and see if any of these dog lover traits sound all too familiar.
-- You circle the parking lot over and over trying to find that perfect spot for your pooch. You know the one I mean -- not too close to the construction or traffic, in lots of shade on a warm day, and by all means in plain view of the door so that he or she can see all the comings and goings. We wouldn't want our dogs to be too bored or lonely while we're in the market, gym or post office.
-- Even if it's threatening rain, we take our dogs along, thinking we can always wipe out the soggy car later. It's more important that our dogs get a chance to get out and about, even if it means open car windows on a rainy day.
-- We fluff up their beds just one more time, to make sure they're comfy cozy during the night-time hours. And of course, if they should deem our bed more to their liking at 4 a.m., we're happy to oblige with a scoot to the edge, braving cold toes or worse yet, a dangerous fall-off to the floor below.
-- If they ask to be in the bathroom with us during our morning shower, we'll leave the door ajar should they feel an urgent need to leave, even if it means less privacy and a strikingly cold draft.
-- We plan our dinner outings around their eating habits, begging them to chow down early so that we can sit in comfort at a restaurant awaiting our entrée, awash in the peaceful fog of knowing they're safe at home with full tummies.
-- We wouldn't dream of keeping the TV too loud, the house too warm, or running low on dog cookies, treats and toys.
-- We announce our comings and goings, explaining when we'll be back, how long we'll be gone and what we'll bring them when we return.
All in all, we know what life would be like without our dogs, and we shudder to think of the possibility.
Are you a member of this rare breed of dog lover? If you are, then join the ranks with the best of the best.
A Snow Day!
We were treated to one of my most favorite things last week. A snow day. I
always find myself wishing for them - I missed out on snow days as a kid
1 month ago
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